Sunday, December 14, 2008



My name is Ann Vanino. I am a professional coach, organizational consultant and owner of Moving Forward Coaching & Consulting. I am a resident of Antelope Valley and served on the founding Executive Board of the Antelope Valley Women’s Conference.

My passion, as a coach, centers on personal power - helping individuals to find their own gifts and bring them confidently into the world. Often, power is given a bad name. I think power is a good thing, if you use it for the good of all.

In my blog, I will examine elements of personal power, share stories of personal power and invite you to share your ideas with me. It is my wish that all women lead empowered and fulfilling lives

You Have a Dream

You Have A Dream

Martin Luther King had a dream. He’s not the only one; you have a dream inside you too. What’s your dream? It’s time for your dream to take flight. Are you ready for take off?

The most beautiful vision of our world is one in which each individual lives their dream. Finding your dream can be a journey. Have you heard of the concept of The Hero’s Journey? The Hero’s Journey is a structure that has been used throughout time to tell stories and create myths regarding the human adventure.

Many contemporary authors have resurrected the concept of The Hero’s Journey starting with Joseph Campbell. One author, Christopher Vogler, has a compelling way to describe The Hero’s Journey. He is a story analyst for major Hollywood film studios, has consulted for Walt Disney on The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. He believes that “Filmmakers are storytellers. The best of them have utilized the principles of myth to create masterful stories which are dramatic, entertaining and psychologically true.”

Vogler lays out these stages of The Hero’s Journey in his book The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structures for Storytellers and Screenwriters:

l The Ordinary World – the hero is in their everyday, common world
l The Call to Adventure – seeds of change are planted in the hero’s life
l Refusal of the Call – the hero hesitates in the face of change and the unknown
l Meeting the Mentor – a mentor, teacher, guide shows up in the hero’s life
l Crossing the First Threshold - the hero commits to the adventure
l Tests, Allies, Enemies – the hero enters the journey and encounters challenges
l Approach to the Inmost Cave – the hero finds the heart of their journey
l Supreme Ordeal – the hero faces the greatest challenge
l Reward - the hero survives the ordeal and is recognized and rewarded
l The Road Back – the hero returns to the world
l Resurrection – the hero must reenter the world as a changed person
l Return with the Elixir – the hero commences a new life

What does the hero’s journey have to do with your dream? I think each individual finds their dream in a very similar way to the hero’s journey. Try it out. Can you see stages of the hero’s journey that you have encountered? Have you been faced with change and refused the call? Have you had a mentor come into your life? Have you been tested?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on your dream and your hero’s journey. I’ll be writing more about this as we explore Women Power.